Lifestyle Travel

A Night At The Haven Glebe With

A Night At The Best Western Haven Glebe with After a crazy emotional couple of weeks, my collaboration with couldn’t of come at a much more needed time, to have a break! I booked my stay quickly and easily through the mobile app, so I could focus on zoning out, zen out, and something we all tend to forget about: “me time”. Here is my 24 hours at the Best Western Haven Glebe The Best Western Haven Glebe is a boutique…

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Men Of Substance – Grooming With Sam Overton

Men Of Substance – Grooming With Sam Overton   Hello again and thanks for coming back and continuing the Men Of Substance Series If you haven’t caught up on my first blog post about Men’s Mental Health then check it out (HERE) Men’s Grooming has come so far over the past couple of years from crazy hair styles (I know I went through a few myself) to hair colours and many more. This week I thought who better to catch up…

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Fashion Lifestyle

Up Close With Justin Cassin

Hey Fam! Hope you have all been well! I’m not sure if many of you KNOW or not, but I am the Producer & Marketing Manager for menswear label JUSTIN CASSIN, its amazing working for a brand and having a boss that listens to all your ideas and lets you explore them to the most creative you can be. We just wrapped up Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia Resort 2019 Collection which was our second year showing and I was soon to…

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Men Of Substance – Men’s Health Week

Men Of Substance Wow it’s been a hot minute since I have been on my blog, so I thought what better time than to start a new journey with a new blog post with the launch of my Men Of Substance Series! With this new venture I thought I would cover topics such as Men’s Health, Fashion, Hair, Music, Fitness and many more. From men of influence hitting every day topics for every day men. I’ve really wanted to write about…

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Lifestyle Travel

A Night at Tank Stream Hotel with

  “A Night at the Tank Stream Hotel with” I worked with throughout 2017 and had a blast, so when the brand reached out once again I couldn’t resist jumping on board. I was invited to stay in the heart of Sydney at the Tank Stream Hotel, taking in the treats of the hotel and joining in for the opening of the hotel’s new dining concept, Dave’s Deli. Living on the Northern Beaches it’s always so lovely to spend actual time in…

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The Polished Man

When my Management said the guys from YGAP reached out to them this year and asked me to be an Ambassador for the Polished Man campaign, I felt like it was something I had to do, as this is a topic that I hold really close to my heart. I have experienced this myself and I’ve never really talked about it, even to my closest friends, It’s strange we think that we can know someone, but do we really know…

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Fashion Lifestyle Travel

Primus Hotel Sydney

The Primus Hotel Sydney // Justin Cassin Photo Shoot Wearing Glasses by Oscar Wylee Outfit by Justin Cassin Shoes by Hudson Shoes   I recently got the opportunity to stay at the 5 Star Primus Hotel Sydney over the weekend, located at 339 Pitt Street which puts you in the heart of the city, it is one of the newest boutique to hit Sydney, the Primus Hotel is nothing short of amazing, with its new fresh art deco look and spacious entry…

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Lifestyle Travel

My 24 Hours In Melbourne

My 24 Hours In Melbourne What a quick trip that was! Recently I got nominated in the #Top50InfluencerAwards which was held in Melbourne on Wednesday hosted by the lovely Gina Liano !! at the Spice Market on Beaney Lane, so I teamed up with the awesome guys at booked my accommodation through their app and stayed at the ever so amazing QT Melbourne to review. Where do i started this recently renovated hotel is one of the nicest places I’ve stayed at period, from…

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Messina Messina

Let me first say sorry for the lack in posting and content on my website, I know right, how naughty of me, so on the topic of naughty this post will suit well 😀 This week I got an email from the guys at TailorMaid PR asking me to take part and come past Messina HQ for their Messina Dessert Class for #GLUESTOREXSUPERGA event to be crowned ‘Gelato God’ I guess you’re thinking YEP you had me at MESSINA who would…

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Fashion Lifestyle

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia Popping that cherry and losing my fashion week virginity… I knew this would be my most favourite time of year, were people get to really express themselves through individual style & creativity! Fashion week we celebrate upcoming emerging designers to already established designers & labels, Fashion week for me started on the Monday DAY 2 i had the pleasure to be dressed by Canadian apparel brand Kit & Ace which let me tell you is the most comfortable clothing brand I…

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